
Just Can't Wait

Okay, I have TWO obsessions this week. I've already mentioned the first, so it's only fair to lay the second one on you.


I don't know if it's my proximity to the Farmer's Market all yesterday, but it seems everything I've eaten for the last day and a half has had something to do with jalapenos. I suppose the salsa I wolfed down (and later regretted somewhat) yesterday is to be expected, but less obvious is the delicious Sweet Jalapeno Jelly I bought from the Kimker Hill Farm booth. Slap it on toast with some cream cheese, and it's the tastiest lunch you can make in five minutes when there's nothing edible in the house.

It's not really good for you, mind you, but then again it only has four ingredients, all recogizable as foodstuffs, so it can't be all bad.

Now if someone could just find a way to make Jalapeno flavoured hard candy, I'd be the happiest girl in the world.

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