
Yard Wars

I've been doing a hugely non-scientific, very haphazard study of presidential yard signs around my neighborhood and the surrounding areas for about a week now. I think St. Louis is a pretty good microcosm of the country, and hopefully a good indication of how the election might play out.

So far I've counted 100 Obama yards to 46 McCains.

Now, I'm counting yards, not signs, because one yard can have as many signs as they want before the cops knock on their door with neighbour complaints. Also, in the spirit of fairness, I should mention that I've been giving McCain the benefit of the doubt as often as I can because I don't want to be accused of bias. (By who? I don't know. The voices in my head.) I even counted the people who seem to think Sarah Palin is running for President, even though the thought of an unqualified beauty pageant contestant with her finger on the button fills me with dread. Because let's face it, McCain's got one foot in the grave and the other on a roller skate. The odds of him making it through the next four years aren't ones I'd play in Vegas.

Still even with this help, Obama is leading McCain over 2 to 1. Including in neighborhoods that traditionally side with the GOP. Rich white people with Obama signs on their perfectly manicured front lawns, what's the world coming to?

So we'll see. We'll see. At any rate, even a wheel of cheese in the Oval Office has to be better than what we've got.

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